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Job Application pipeline template

Purpose: this pipeline is intended to help you keep track of job applications. If you plan on hiring someone or you do recruiting for your company, this pipeline will help you process applications and keep track of your offers.

How It Works:

  1. Create the pipeline by going to your Pipelines Settings page. You can only reach this page if you are the admin or owner on an account. On that page, click “Create a new pipeline,” and start with one of our existing pipeline templates.
  2. As you receive job applications, attach a Job Application pipeline to the applicant's contact record. Be sure to fill out the position they're applying for.
  3. As the applicant moves through the hiring process, update their Job Application pipeline status and make notes on their progress. If this pipeline doesn't match your exact process, or you want different custom fields, don't be afraid to customize!
  4. Once an applicant has been hired, rejected, or declined their offer, close out their pipeline attachment. You can reattach a Job Application pipeline to someone if they reapply later on.

Potential customizations:

  • Tracking potential applicant outreach: if you plan on prospecting for potential new hires or reaching out to people before they've applied, you can add initial statuses for "Prospect" and "Contacted."
  • Tracking offers on the table: if you often send out a few offers at a time or if there is frequently a delay between when you offer the job and when the applicant officially accepts, you might want to have a final active status of “Offered.”
  • Links to LinkedIn profiles and more: create custom pipeline fields for links to important data for each new hire. You can create a custom field for their LinkedIn profile, profiles on other career websites, online folders of writing samples, and more. If you have applicants take any kind of online aptitude test, you can link to their scores.
  • Reason for hiring/declining: you can add a custom text area for tracking the reason why you chose to give someone an offer or pass. This will let you see at a glance from your Job Application report your reasoning for each hiring decision.

See our full list of pipeline template here. If you have any questions about pipelines, contact us and we’d be happy to help!

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Application, pipeline template
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